Spay / Neuter
Help control the unwanted pet population!

Please contact (423) 570-1275 to schedule your pet's appointment today!

Please remember that we can offer assistance if funds are available to low income families
and individuals who meet basic qualifications and no one is ever turned away!
Cat spay
Cat neuter
Dog Distemper/Parvo
Bordatella (Kennel Cough)
Heartworm Test
Feline Distemper
Feline Leukemia
Combo Test (FIV/Felv)
Dog neuter-under 50lbs
Dog neuter-50lbs to 75lbs
Dog neuter-over 80lbs
Rabies Vaccine
Supplemental Pain Meds
Earmite treatments
NOTE: If the dog or cat has not had or if the owner does not provide proof of a previous rabies vaccination, the State of
Tennessee requires the  pet to receive a Rabies vaccination at the time of surgery.

All surgeries are preformed by licensed veterinarians.
Dog spay-under 50lbs (not
pregnant or in heat)
Dog spay-50lbs to 75lbs (not
pregnant or in heat)
Dog spay-over 80lbs
(not pregnant or in heat)
We are working towards the day when: every pet born will be wanted. Every pet owner will be a responsible one. Every community will understand
that responsible pet ownership positively impacts and reflects its economy, safety and overall quality of life.